A couple of months ago I opened up an Etsy shop to sell T-shirts in a niche I discovered while being in Merch By Amazon.
I’m using Printful for the printing and shipping so all I have to do is design the images.
I was pleasantly surprised at my results this early with absolutely no marketing at all. But I did important work in the beginning with regards to niche selection. That’s so important!
If you’re interested, I have created two videos to show you how it all works.
Thank you!
Where have you been up until now? You are just great. You provide so useful information!! I was a little bit scared of trying Etsy, but now, thanks to you, I have all the information I need. Thanks a lot!!!!
Hello! I love all of your content and I think I’ve watched pretty much every video you have in Youtube in just a few days. I’ve been on Etsy over six months and have around 140 listings. It took me a while to list steadily and I haven’t had a lot of sales (I just reached 30 sales yesterday). The vast majority of my sales have been in one niche (24 out of 30 sales) so I am considering creating an Etsy store for that niche. I’m wondering if I should leave my other items in my current store and move everything to a new niche store in Etsy. I know you recommend niche stores for Redbubble. Do they also work well for Etsy?
Hello! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, definitely. Niche shops work anywhere because of the fact you’re putting a large volume of designs targeted to the same group of people. That increases the chances that they will come back and buy again. This formula works anywhere and not just print on demand. Good luck!!
Hello! Do I need to have 2 Printful account for second Etsy store? How to connect 2 Etsy to 1 Printful account? I’m having trouble connecting the second Etsy to the same Printful account. Can you help?
Thanks for your help!
No I think you can have two Etsy shops in one printful account. In your settings there is an option to setup another shop.
The best